Specialty stores
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- Specialty stores
Kukka- ja hautauspalvelu Lumo
- Florist & undertaker
Address: Rasilantie 38-40, 56100 Ruokolahti
+358 50 4752591

- Smoked salmon
- Café
- A traditional smoke sauna (book well ahead)
Address: Karjalantie 372, 56510 Puntala
+358 5 473 9870

Mätön Sillä Sipuli Oy
- Garlic produts straight from the grower
Address: Pohjalankilantie 51, 56210 Virmutjoki
+35845 1369 698

Oy Woodpel Ltd
- Custom built saunas, boat docks & other wood work made to order
Address; Majavantie 2, 56100 Ruokolahti
+35850 439 5559

Pieni Hunajapuoti
- Honey & other local beehive products
Address: Kielomäenkuja 10, Ruokolahti
+358 44 508 7058

Puutarhatila Uosukainen T&T
- Summer flowers & herbs for house & garden direct from the grower's greenhouses
Address: Rinteentie 148, Puntala
+358 50 373 7975

- Clothes for adults and kids, interior decoration items & health products
Address: Nällisuontie 3, 56100 Ruokolahti
+358 50 350 4270