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- Fishing
Fishing is a very popular pastime in Finland. A good 35 % of Finns, 2 million people, fish more or less regularly. Perch, pike, bream and roach are typical and very common catches, but also salmon and trout are possible in many places. After all, we have the Baltic Sea and about 188 000 lakes!
What permits do I need?
Angling with a hook + worm and ice-fishing are free for all, no fees or permits for those.
For all other forms of fishing, foreign citizens have the same fishing opportunities and obligations as Finns. By paying the national fisheries management fee, you obtain a recreational 1-rod-fishing-permit for most lakes. The fisheries management fee is a statutory general fishing fee, which is valid everywhere in Finland, except Åland. So, if you fish with a single fly or cast-fishing rod, the fisheries management fee will be sufficient for most lakes. You can purchase it here.
Prices for the fisheries management fee in 2022:
- 45 € / calendar year
- 15 € / week
- 6 € / day
If you fish with MORE than one rod, or use nets or traps, catch crayfish, fish in rapids or any running water or fish in some clearly marked special destinations, things get a little complicated even for Finns. You will then need ANOTHER fishing permit from the owner of the water area in addition to the fisheries management fee. Many fishing destinations administered by Metsähallitus (the Finnish Forest Administration) also require both: a fisheries management fee and a fishing permit from the water area owner.
Which fish species are protected and must not be taken, and when?
Saimaa salmon (Salmo salar saimensis) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) are the most valuable fish species aroud lake Saimaa, and there are strict limitation for their fishing. If you catch a WILD lake salmon or a WILD trout of any size (wild fish still has its adipose fin), RELEASE IT IMMEDIATELY. These wild fish are very rare and genetically priceless. Huge fees up to € 10 000,- apply if rules are abused.
The adipose fin on a brown trout
If the adipose fin is removed, it means that the salmon or trout comes from a hatchery, and those fish can be taken, IF a) the caught salmon is over 60 cm long (50 cm for trout) and b) IF it is caught between September and May. Otherwise, release them. In the summer, June to August the salmonid fish are protected and must again be released if accidentally caught.
In addition to these two, there's a minimum size set also for pike-perch (Sander lucioperca), 42 cm and grayling (Thymallus thymallus), 35 cm.
Big fines apply if rules are broken and you may lose all your gear, including the fishing boat in some cases.
Fishing made easy
- Book ahead and fish on a private 4,2 hectar forest lake
- Introduced species include steelhead and brown trout, sometimes arctic char
Address: Vasarinniementie 80, 56210 Virmutjoki
- Matti Sikiö: +358 500 750 958
- elamysvalkea@gmail.com
- www.elamys-valkea.fi (Finnish only)

Kalastuspuisto Kuokkalammen Lohi
- A fishing park with 9 ponds to fish from, or you can also buy ready products
- Species: steelhead and crayfish
- A BBQ hut, smoking hut, sauna and camping
- A possibility to pick your own buckthorn in the Fall - mmmm, the most healthy super-berry!
Kuokkalammintie 287, 55800 Ruokolahti
- +358 500 414 078, Paavo Hölsä
- +358 40 570 8266, Irina Hölsä
- kalastuspuisto@kuokkalammen-lohi.fi

Ruokolahden Urheilukalastajat ry - Sports Fishers of Ruokolahti association
- Ask for organized trips or permits to those more special places
Chairman Mr Esko Ijäs, tel: 0400 838 565